Queer Grace has an incredible contingent of authors helping to expand the encyclopedia. Want to join them? Click here.
Alex G is a grad student who lives in the southwest, where she studies American religious history and paints her nails a lot. Find her on Twitter at @alex_g_griffin.
Who are Mormons, and what do they believe?
Who are Quakers, and what do they believe?
A short history of homosexuality
Amy Hanson
Find her on Twitter at @amycontemplates.
My child just came out. What do I do?
Austen Hartke is a scripture-lovin’ trans guy, seeking, knocking, asking, loving, nerding out. He produces vlogs and vids on being #TransgenderandChristian on YouTube and at austenhartke.com.
Find him on Twitter at @austenlionheart and on Facebook at Transmission Ministry Collective.
I think I might be gay or bi or trans or queer. What do I do?
What does it mean to be transgender?
Is being transgender a mental disorder?
I’m really interested in theology and the Bible! How can I learn more?
What does the Bible say about gendered clothing? (Deuteronomy 22:5)

Bailey Jo Welch is a lesbian Christian who is committed to seeking reconciliation between the LGBTQ community and the conservative Evangelical Church through courageous conversations.
You can find her writing and connect with her at baileyjowelchpomerantz.com, on Twitter, and on Instagram.
What do I do when my friend is LGBTQ?
Who are Evangelicals, and what do they believe?

Brenda Walker is committed to assisting churches to become informed advocates and safe spaces for transgender people and their loved ones. She was ordained in 1983, served congregations for nearly four decades and retired in February of 2018 to pursue her writing career full-time. She earned her undergraduate degree from Stetson University and holds graduate degrees from both Princeton Theological Seminary and Columbia Theological Seminary. You can find her on Facebook and Instagram @pastorbrendawalker, on Twitter at @RevDrBrenda, and online at pastorbrendawalker.com.
Who are Presbyterians, and what do they believe?

Carly Delavan is a graduate student at Seattle Pacific University studying Marriage and Family Therapy as well as Theology. She finds coming out as Christian to be just as difficult as coming out as asexual. She has a passion for working with the Queer community as it relates to spirituality.
You can find her on the web at liveyourhopes.com.
What does it mean to be asexual?
Cody Maynus is an M.Div. student at St. John’s School of Theology-Seminary. Cody was baptized by Lutherans, raised by evangelicals, baptized again by Baptists, catechized by Roman Catholic nuns, and is finally at home in the Episcopal Church, where he is discerning ministry. He is a Benedictine Oblate and wishes he were a female medieval mystic.
What is the Episcopal Church and what do they believe?

Davis Roberts is a student of philosophy and religion at Georgia Southern University. Aspiring to seminary, they are interested in doing theology from a queer humanist perspective. They are also excited to one day make a congregation sit through a 20 minute sermon on how Nietzsche was probably right. To see their thoughts on politics, vegan food, and occasionally God you can follow them on Twitter @doseofdavis.
How do we talk about God’s gender?
What does the story of creation in Genesis 1 tell us about gender?

Dianna E. Anderson is a bisexual feminist theologian and the author of Damaged Goods: New Perspectives on Christian Purity (Jericho Books, 2015). She is a graduate student in Women’s Studies, and a Ravenclaw.
Aren’t the sexes meant to complement each other?
Elizabeth B is a lesbian and a trans woman living in the outskirts of the northeastern United States. Her interests are liberation theology, the Bible, leftist anarchism from a Christian perspective, astrophysics, statistics, and girls. Someday she hopes to build an intentional community and anti-capitalist space centered around trans women.
You can find her on the web at girlwhocriedsupernova.tumblr.com.
What challenges and prejudices do transgender people face?
Evan Albright
Theologian. Future pastor. Linguaphile. Broadwayholic. Pokémon master.
Find him on Twitter at @ealbright426.
L, G, B, T, Q, Q, I, A… what do all the letters mean?
The Bible says Adam and Eve. Does that mean marriage is only for one man and one woman?
Jenny is a semi-apostate Catholic who works in academic publishing. She has a long-standing intellectual crush on feminist biblical scholar Phyllis Trible, but still regularly gets her mixed up with Phyllis Schlafly.
Is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah about homosexuality?
What is biblical inerrancy?
What does Paul mean in Romans 1?
What does 1 Corinthians 6:9 say — and mean?
Joseph Schattauer Paillé is a 2014 graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary and a candidate for ordination in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find his writing at OnBeing.org and in The Cresset. He lives in the Bronx.
Entries (co-written with Sylvia Bull)
What is historical criticism?
What is mainline Protestantism?

Laura Jean Truman is a writer and substitute bartender living in Atlanta, GA. She holds a BA in Philosophy from the University of New Hampshire and an MDiv from Emory University: Candler School of Theology. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @LauraJeanTruman and on her blog at laurajeantruman.com!
Does Peter’s dream in Acts 10-15 relate to LGBTQ+ Christians?
Marissa Sotos is a recent graduate of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. She lives in Minneapolis with her wife.
What is feminist theology?
Miriam Samuelson-Roberts is a 2015 graduate of Yale Divinity School. She lives in Minneapolis, MN and is a candidate for ordination in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Is the word “queer” a slur?
What does it mean to be bisexual and Christian?
Sami Clements is a bisexual Christian and a member of the ELCA. She is a social justice advocate and a graphic designer who recently graduated from The New School with a Master’s degree in International Affairs.
What is bi-phobia, bi-erasure, and bi visibility?
Sylvia Bull is a 2015 graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary (M.Div/M.A.) and a candidate for ordination in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. She currently works as a graduate research assistant for the Confirmation Project, a Lilly-funded grant to study confirmation in five Protestant denominations in the United States. In 2015-2016, she will serve as the vicar of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in Boone, NC.
Entries (co-written with Joseph Schattauer Paillé)
What is historical criticism?
What is mainline Protestantism?

Jovie Wilkinson is a wife, parent, and proud transgender/queer woman. She graduated from Bryan College with a degree in Biblical Studies with an emphasis in Biblical Languages and Linguistics. She writes about the intersection of gender, identity, and doubt for the queer, questioning, and curious at her website.
Is it okay to “hate the sin but love the sinner”?
Emmy R. Kegler is the pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Northeast Minneapolis and the founder and editor of Queer Grace. She has a Master’s in Divinity from Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, Minn., and is an ordained pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. She was raised in the Episcopal Church and spent some time in evangelical and non-denominational traditions before finding her home in the ELCA. She lives in Saint Paul and enjoys biking, board games, books, beer, and babysitting her fiancée’s dogs.
Find her on Twitter at @emmykegler.
What does it mean to be gay and Christian?
What is the Lutheran church, and what do they believe?
Why do some Christians believe it’s OK to be gay, when the Bible says it isn’t?
How do we talk about the people of God?
How do we talk about God in worship?
How do I come out when my family/church/therapist isn’t welcoming?